Thursday 28 August 2008

Slasher Films

Slasher films...who like slasher films? To be honest, I do!

Watching slasher films is relaxing, reason being we don't have to think. Just sit there and wait for the music cue....splashes of blood, some softcore sex scene and...body count. Yeah its relaxing.

All the slasher film series that make big names have one thing in common. The bad guy never dies. Even if he was a human at first, eventually it will become some supernatural existence, which will explain how come he can still walking around killing people after for more than 30 years?

The other common thing is, only the first two films will have more plot and back story, specially about the killers. All the sequels will have some ridiculous plot that somehow summon or bring back into life the dormant killer.

Three slasher film series that I like is, starting to my favourite:

Nightmare on Elm Street Series, staring Freddy Krueger has 8 movie (including crossover movie Freddy Vs Jason),

Friday The 13th Series, staring Jason Voorhees, 11 (including crossover movie Freddy Vs Jason, but not the upcoming remake) and

Halloween Series, staring Mike Myers 8 movies (not including the 2007 remake, but include part III that has nothing to do with Mike Myers).

Thanks to pirated DVDs, I manage to finish Nightmare series, as well as the original series of Halloween. Planning to finish Friday series and take a look at the 2007 Halloween this weekend. That is if no need work on Sat (hopefully).


Albert Yap said...

bro...mind to pinjam or burn 1 set of these series to saya??

Thanks first....

Jacob Johari said...

pinjam u burn urself...poor guy dun hv DVD burner... T_T...which u want?...

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