Sunday 10 August 2008

The Cycle

Never a complete cycle....

After struggling for 5 solid days. With all the frustration, the cursing (by myself, silently), the chaos, the idiots, I come to the hopeful dawn of the weekend. Weekend, need not to work, can sleep with a peaceful mind. I may wake up around 6, just to take a pee., and I rather enjoy this short wake, for it reminds me that I can proceed to sleep for another few hours, not like the weekdays, where I will have to get prepared to face the day.

Sunday is a bit complex. Merry in the day, gloomy by night fall. I will have to set the bed time, but usually will end up delaying it again and again. Until the time that gives me relatively little time to sleep,which will in turn cause me sleepy, not enough of sleep.

Then I will vow, that I will sleep earlier in weekdays but as predicted, this will not happen as I will delay it again and again until it is too bloody late. I will plan to get the "revenge", to sleep all I can on Friday night and wake maybe in the noon of Saturday. But this seldom happens.

The most I get is 11 plus, followed by 10 plus. Sometimes earlier, due to to other plan or appointment or hopefully some date (I'm pathetic). Last Sat I need to service my car, the Sat after this may going to Cameron, so far don't know what will happen this Sat. A part of me want some action for weekend (why waste it?), the Dr Jekyll part in me however, just want to stay at home with my books and DVDs and laptop (damn, why do I just upload the my whole fucking brain to a server!)

Well, the clock is ticking, the cycle summons me. I want to read comic! I want to have a drink with the old man! I want to take a bath! I want to help cool someone off, but don't have the means! I want to read Harry Potter 7! Damn it, I just reluctant to bed! Simply because I am reluctant to go work!

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