Sunday 20 July 2008

Friday Night - Last Day of Dark Week

Friday, second day of CIC training. Well, it never felt like a training though. I always like Friday. No matter what frustrated me on Friday, it will go away fast enough.

Since the plan for the night has not worked, I was thinking what shall I do when home. Comic? DVD? Or read? I have tons of books left untouched and Harry 7 paperback is going to add up the number. Or should I get some Skol 9% as Liang has rhetorically recommended in Kellyz blog?

But at the end I did neither of this. Albert is calling for a gathering at Wong Kok restaurant in SS2. The food there sucks. It has been quite sometime since all of us spend some time together. The last one in Italianess was for Grace's birthday and we really did not have too much fun. This time, we have Albert, and with Albert, of course Denise, we also got Skol 9% Liang, Vince, Kelly, Shirmen, Vivian and Shane. Last time when Shane joins us for lunch I was too busy I did not stay long to even say Hi.

After being detained by a pity lady sales that works for the bastard he-sale and his son-of-a-bitch manager, I was starving and pissed when I get there 7 something. But I'm not the last to arrived, as usual, the initiator is late. The bad food does not make me merrier, but seeing the friends there, and some of them had not meet for quite sometime, all those piss vanished, and I hope they turned into a curse that two things I mentioned earlier.

Alas, the cucumber fearing guy arrived with the girl with a name of a wine shop and we proceed to eat and chat like the good old days. Kelly left us earlier for another round somewhere else perhaps and our conversation is getting back to the craziness we once had. Vince and Bert, the ultimate fai-wa jokers. Forget Dayo's stand up and Jan Lamb's routine. This two are master.

If I to relay their fai-sm, all will be lost in transition and translation.

So end has, my so called Dark Week with a funny night. Really funny. We got Vince posing as transsexual seducing a guy via his phone, and we got a story where a guy raped a washing machine. I have forgotten, when was the last time I laugh till my cheek ache. But I sure remember this time.

Wonder when the gang is ready? Should go for K next time. This has been said by many. No actual action so far.....

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