Saturday 12 July 2008

What I Did These Few Days?

Initially decided to work on entries about the Macau and HK trip as soon as I got back. But decided not to. Well, I'm tired. So that is why for the first few days after returning to reality I did not blog.

So what was I doing? For most of the time I edit the photos I have taken during the trip. The magic of digital technology is that, we never waste film or money developing pictures that turn out to be rubbish. We can take a few shot for the same pose or scenery and pick the one we like most. If there is some imperfection in the pic, well, we photoshopped it.

That is my major pass time this few days. Pic too grainy, I try reduce them. Too dark, brighten it up and adjust the contract. I even made a few slides, put some frames and created some mock up of magazine or book cover. All just for the fun of it.

I never learn how to edit picture. Those tutorials in the web and PC magazines have too many word and hardly can finish them. Unlike those trained pro, I can see what difference minor contrast change can make, how to consider if one particular editing looks natural or not.

But hey, that is not the way I get my bread and cheese. As long as what I created is at least presentable, then I can blog it and upload to Facebook. The important thing is the whole creative process. The strike of ideas, the strategy to implement it and the final outcome. Some makes me feel pathetic, but some also gives me the satisfaction or being a creator.

Well, you don't have to take up courses to use Photoshop, just get some online or magazine tutorials and learn a few tricks on your own, and you are ready to do some work for your own personal amusement.

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