Wednesday 11 June 2008

Women Has Breast, Vagina, Men Has Dick

Women has breast, vagina, men has dick. What's wrong with it? Nothing! But still, why are they been made a taboo?

Slight mention of them, people say you talk dirty. But hey, without them, what are we? They are one of those most important organs and anatomy part of the human being, but yet, we treat them as if they are cancer.

We don't mention them publicly. Some idiot will say it is a sexual harassment or mistreat of women or we are pervert, but hey again, that is what God give you. Why shall we be ashamed about it?

Please do not misunderstand me. Do not feel ashamed of them doesn't mean we have to flash it anywhere. Just, in our conversation, movie, books (non-anatomical / scientific) whatever, please treat them as if like how we treat eyeball, hair, leg, arm etc.

Ohh...this scene here has a lady's breast expose it is about she got a stroke when taking shower...cut it. Then if the next scene is in the hospital and there is no exposition of the event in the shower throughout the whole movie, how the hell we know what had happen?

Ohh...the scene is making a double entry joke inspired by the homophones of penis and peanuts. Cut!!! Then instead of a comedy, this become a hopeless drama without even a plot!

Come on, there is a difference between idiotic and cheap, hypocrisy and obscenity. If you heart is black, regardless how honorable, how clean you portray yourself, you are still a fucking bitch / dick.

If you think all who always talk about boob, cunt, cock and fuck are sluts and sex maniac,then I hope you die miserably and be burn by the fire of hell eternally.

yeah~! Fuck Off!

1 comment:

Albert Yap said...

hahahaha...tht's why ppl in Malaysia like to buy pirated DVDs or download from internet.....can even buy or download movies that are good....thanks so much to the society which contribute so much to the pirated industry...yeahhh~~~~

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