Saturday, 7 June 2008

P 2.70 Slimming Program

Introducing the latest and most powerful slimming program of the millenium~! Malaysian Government proudly present you Petrol 2.70 Slimming program ! Higher petrol price mean higher living cost. Every journey we take cost us more, every kilometres is more expensive everyday is dearer, costlier and deadlier.

Our new slimming program is divided into 3 parts.

Part 1:

The raise of living cost due to higher petrol price will force the people to reduce expenses. People will buy less, use less and of course eat less. Since meat is more expensive, people will eat more vegetable, and cooked vegetable will of course be more expensive and raw. Thus people will eat more uncooked vegetable, in the form of salad or vege sandwich. Uncooked means no use of oil. No oil plus no meat means no fat!

So the first part of the program focus on changing our eating habit.


Our programs will also motivates our dear participants to conduct inevitable exercise session everyday. To save fuel, no longer will we drive so frequently. Those destination that we can walk to but chose to drive those good old days, we will now go by walk. We will walk to the nearby 7-11, Pasar Malam, post office, grocery store. Walk, walk, walk and walk. By moving average 20 minutes per day, our participants will burn more calories. This along with Part 1 will be able to reduce the fat in their body in relatively short of time. And there will never be any chance for them to get fat again because the petrol price will only be getting higher in the future, and the program will be more intense!

Isn't it great?!

Last part:

With some common sense and logic, it is not difficult to deduce that higher loaded vehicle will need more energy to move. This means that it will consume more fuel. And in the rouse of reducing fuel usage in order to save money, our participants will be more the eager to get lighter, and not heavier. This will in turns motivates them to get slimmer and thinner.

This part focus heavily on both physiological and psychological aspect of out participants. Any program will never work if there is no correct attitude and psychology.

So why don't you call the number on your screen and join the revolutionary program now! Ooops, you already join, it is a compulsory program for all motorist in Malaysia! Isn't it great?!

Developed by BN,

Distributed by Gov MY to the Rakyat

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