Sunday 1 June 2008

The Secret Origin of Iron Man

Before the coming of Crystal Skull Kingdom, Ironman was the hype for movie-goers. Some might know it is based on comic, some may have watch the original cartoon many many years ago, but few knows the origin of this Ironman, save for a few most told that had been filmed and write into comic.

Now is the Secret Origin of the Ironman, known only to a few people. Not even Stan Lee knows about it.

Antonio Strako is a son of a Sicilian immigrate to the State. Being not educated, his family survives by collecting garbage and scrap metal for domestic use or re-sell. A good, calm and well manner kid, Antonio always help is 300 pounds mum doing house work.

One day, they were given a pile of junk, said to be found in the Mexican dessert. The Starko family was delighted, some of the so call junk is still new and usable. One of them is an antique looking iron.

For the Starko, cloth ironing never came to their mine. Their work does not have dress code, and they don't even own any clothe that is worth ironing. Antonio, being both smart and curios boy in his 17th took the iron, and start learning to use it. He don't have any clothes need to be iron, so he iron any cloth he came across.

In all the fun of ironing, Antonio accidentally touches the base of the iron and hurt himself. His left middle and ring finger were cooked. A neighbour doctor said the degree of the burning suggest the heat must be over 1000 C. No iron can actually achieve this temperature. This puzzle both the Starkio and the doctor. None of them ever imagine, that the junk pile was originated from a nuclear test field. All other junk has a certain harmless level of radiation, but not the iron. It has an extremely high level. No one knows this fact.

That night, Antonio was having bad dreams and feel extremely hot. To his surprise, he saw his left hand had turn into an iron~!!! His body starting to transform and the worst is he say a huge direct current cable is slowly sneaking out of this boxer. Oh God, what is happening to me...this is the only thing he said and repeated again and again.

Alas, the transformation stop, and he look into his mirror, instead of the usual greenish pale face, Antonio saw a heavily amour warrior with a helmet resemble an Iron. Antonio knows in the very moment, he had become the Iron Man~!!!

Apart from getting and iron hand, Antonio also get super speed and environmental friendly energy source, the direct current. Every re-charge for about three days will enable him to work as Iron Man for a week. Antonio decided to use his new power for good, but offering the people in the street extremly fast and affordable iron service. Sometimes, we will secretly help the people in analyzing and solving laundry related issues.

Thus, Antonio began his career as Iron Man, fighting for well pressed suit, fighting for more energy and fighting again Dr Wrinkle De Le Clothes and the Legion of Dirty Laundry...

Well, what happen next and how it develop into today's Tony Stark, we no longer have the source material for reference...but anyway, don't just thing the original Iron Man is cool? He can iron things man~!!!

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