Sunday 14 September 2008

So, we are doomed?

So, the girl was accused of making a complain. She denied it, no one manage to prove she did it, but she was locked? Any no investigation is made?

So, the son humiliated other people's children and the mum just ground him but not letting the school to punish the boy?

So, the idiot above made a idiotic remark, the other student just report it word by word to the others, and this student get kidnapped by authority? And the idiot only get grounded at home?

So, the baldy just happen to write some story on line. Some may be non-fiction some may be fiction and some may be story heard from a friend's friend's friend. And he get locked up? For telling stories?

So, the boy's bog brother just fail to repeat the scheme design by his senior of framing a fellow student for certain freak crime, and now he tried to repeat the scheme of getting people locked away just to save his own arse?

So, they never want to play fair? Then it is rather obvious they are just weak. Being around for so long, most of them still do shit when doing public speaking. Their words are pointless and dog will band their head to the wall just to cut short their suffering from listening to these idiot talking. Can't blame them, dog can't operate the remote.

So, the rising stars that being their rival so extremely well when talking to the public and have the sense enough to admit it whenever mistake was made. Them? Trying desperately to push it to someone else but fail miserably.

So, they are the 20% that will lead the other 80%? Oh, we are doomed~!

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