Tuesday 23 September 2008

I just can't do things that I can't rationalize!

Recently office is hell. Too many work, I can handle. Too many issue, I can solve. Too many error, I'll feel bad, but still will correct it. But one thing I can't do it, things that I can't rationalize~!

Hey, why don't you do this report so that you will get more busy and spend 15 hours a day sticking your arse on the chair?

Erm..what is this report for?

Some big shot needed (which actually means, I don't know~!)

When you can't rationalize the reason to do something, you can't do it whole-heatedly. You will just sort of doing it, but not really doing it, and the main purpose is not doing it, but appear as if you are doing it, so that you can entertain the one that ask you to do it. Get it?

Maybe that's the reason I never learn to like mainstream hip-hop; where they sing love song in a very fake bad-ass way with music videos where the female model acts as if never get laid for pass 30 years seducing the male 'rapper' that sings allegedly romantic lyrics with a face of mugger. What's that? That's why I like rock better, cause they are insane and never hide it. And underground hip-hop with hint of gangsterism elements. Those are real hip-hop with style.

Perhaps that is why I don't quite enjoy club. I enjoy friends, I craze for alcohol, but just never understand why those boring music? And people dancing but not actually dancing. How often there is really cool dancer there? Body shakers maybe dozens, but dancer? Most of them just jumping around like zombies! And how do you actually communicate with your friends? You can't even be sure if your eardrums still intact! Can clubbing really a relaxing activity, when all is a elaborate masquerade? You clubber, tell me, when you are in club, do you unmasked or masked?

I also can't rationalize otaku. Hey, people are not born ugly, so why hide indoor you whole life and go you just for supply of comic, anime and games? You actually make the normal fan like us look bad. You have the uncanny ability to remember the technical detail of a Gundam robot and that is the only way you make use of your brain? You rather stay hope drooling over a model in bikini but never ever think of getting a real girl as friend? Why that fanatic? Comics are just like books, anime just motion picture. Why can they have the same level of interest like other media product, and you will have to degrade it but glorifying the culture of otaku? So, regardless how I like comics and anime, I will never be an otaku. I just don't understand why some choose to. It's disgusting!

So there above, some aspect or area of my life, where I am in there, but not exactly in there, I'm into it, but also not so into it. Aspect of life that surprisingly I'm in the middle, accept, but not too into.

But then, what kind of things that I am too into? With my current job, nothing!

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