Monday 1 September 2008

Finished HP 7 alas...

Yeah, after almost a year since its publication, the paperback version hit the shelf And after more than a year of its publication, I finally conclude reading Harry Potter series. This is something I never have dreamt of when I see the kiddo cover of the first book for this first time during Form 6.

I caught a classmate reading it, and thought "Hey, if you were not careful, you may be someone's mother now, and still reading a kid stuff". Even in college, I friend of mine also reading it. That guy with the size of a poor man's Hagrid, reading Harry Potter, the kiddy book.

The only people in PBC Group other than me that actually does read English book regularly also read this kiddy book and commented that the film will never be as good. The films...ha~ Although was impressed by the effect and imaginative scene, but the ending in the first two films were rather anti-climax, and I did not care to catch the third only watching it when collecting the DVD after finishing the 5th films.

Somehow, my PBC's friend's word lingers in my mind. The film will never be as good as the book. And she said there is a lot of information or interesting plot in the book that did not make into the film. Tempted, and finally gave in, I borrowed the first book from her.

The book lied on my desk for months, until a think coat of dust rest on it. And it was when I have literally nothing to read, and feel extremely embarrassed to return the book to her untouched, I started to read...and the spell hit me.

Book two onwards, I no longer borrow, but I purchased them. Frankly speaking, the first one does written like a kiddy book, but the story telling is nice and can get me hooked on. The second books become more detailed, and you can see that the author's skill matured and developing over time. with her skill today, if she were to rewrite the first book, I bet it will be as thick as the 7th.

Lucky for me, I got the Harry Potter spell after the 6th book was out, so I never really need to wait and long. Finish one book, get the next one. It is only the 7th book that I need to wait. And I need to waiting longer, since I'm collecting the paperbacks with the adult cover. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I like my collected series be of the same version and style if possible. Thus, I have to wait for another year to get my hands on the last book.

Now, I finally finish reading it...and I am feeling a bit lost. The kind of feeling that you got when the chase is over, when you finally watch the finale, the episode 65-end, when Darth Vader finally dies and became Anakin once more, when Goku destroyed Majin Buu, when Light finally got his name written in the Death Note by Ryuk...

The Harry Pottery fever still got a bit inside me, has saved the "prequel" 800 odd words short written by the author, waiting for the release of the film version of the last two books, which will be the only two Potter films that I will watch after reading the book.

So now, Harry is gone, what to chase next? Isn't Dan Brown's new book going to publish soon? But after reading Eco Umberto's Foucault's Pendulum, Brown's book looks lame. Oh yeah, still have Eco's The Name of The Rose haven't read yet...

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