Saturday 27 June 2009

Transformers - Transcanning Bumblebee

Perhaps, one of the rather interesting toy for the first movie is the Trans Scanning line, which consist of Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.

For this line of product, we are given a base skeleton and parts for Cybertron protoform as well as Earth form.

In the middle, the base figure, left the parts for protoform and left part for the cars and Earth mode.

The skeleton does looks like evil Terminator...

First, since Bumblebee is a yellow robot, so the protoform is also yellow. It is rather simple, maybe the focus is not on this form.

It transforms into a asteroid mode which is how he came to Earth. Comes with a stand to hold it in place.

Now robot mode...Hey Bee you gain weight! Notice the cheat chest plate, since the front bumper of the car now is the shin guards.

The joints for the figure I have is rather loose. So it is hard to pose, and the bulk of the heavy parts is not doing any good. The transformation level is 4, meaning Super Conversion, which is quite true. The fact that most part are attached to the base, they tend to drop off at the worst time, but all worth the trouble when...

We get it into the car mode.....which is the main reason I get this line.

Stunning paint job and details. But the complexity and pain in the arse transformation makes me decided to keep it this way forever.

But there are different materials involve resulting the color tone is slight different in certain part.

It outshine the bigger Deluxe class when put side by side.

It looks more muscled and made the Deluxe looks like old car.

Thing is, I don't like the robot figure and the transformation. I think it will be hard to keep the seam minimal and less obvious. But still, a neat car model!

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