Wednesday 1 October 2008

Evil Comp Rob My Right To Take Leave

New month, same old suffering, in fact, worse.

The evil company is extending the leave freeze, entering October, it will be the third month. If you consider some of them need to come back on weekends, this means basically it's people works a full month. How wrong is this?

You may say, "But you all get OT right?" Yeah right, but what is the use of money when you don't even have time to go for doctor if you are sick? When you have to skip your lunch almost everyday? When you are having an emotional roller coaster knowing that you have to stuck in the office while your friends missing you in a weekend getaway? Worst, I am not entitled for OT!

Now they do not have any concrete statement if the leave freeze will end soon. They don't even can tell when my team can shift to the new production system, or even if we are to use it at all. They never updates about the customer's procuring website thingy, they never update when our big partner is buying automatically, by passing us...they never update, but expect us to magically know what happen and react on it. Even if we made an intelligent decision but if doesn't fit they pathetic standard (which depends a lot on their mood), we are toasted!

Hmm....if I go on writing, maybe it can become a book series...better stop here. Need a calmer emotion so can get asleep easier.

So, dear friends, me is suffering now, so if you want to help, please recommend, a nice job and/or a nice girl....wahahaha~!

But preferably, a nice job with high salary but do nothing.


aMy said...

i am a nice girl =D

Jacob Johari said...

a nice comedian...

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