Thursday 23 April 2009

Tales of Unemployment

Well, another week and I am officially unemployed for a month. Third week of unemployment, attended several interviews, assessments, rejected a couple of offers, that either too stingy or sucks in terms of job or environment or location, got one rejection, mostly because they want fresh grads, which is relatively cheaper.

Job hunting is a boring process, the only fun part for me is the interview part. I like to get to know new people, but I am shy (really) to start a conversation with stranger, but in interview, it is different. We already have a standard topic, which is I trying to sell myself and they want to know more about what I am selling.

So despite I'm putting my bet on a certain opportunity that I am really interested in, but can only give me an update by end of the month, I still seek for other possibility. Apart of giving the power to choose, an extra option, those interview session will also plays a part in killing those free time that I have tonnes now.

Yeah, for now I still think meeting strangers and chat in a job interview is more safer than starting a conversation with random stranger (that I find interesting / attractive) in a restaurant or bus stop (I seldom take bus now). Always wonder, what will they think if I simply just start talking to them? Maybe I should try and see what really on their mind...

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