Was toying with the idea of buying this Megatron in eBay, along with Optimus of the same product line, but one day rayauing in a shopping mall, saw this. What a surprise. I saw the fat and short movie version of Jazz as well in the same day, but really can't talk myself into buying it (at least for now) and opt for this instead.
It is a Takara Tomy version, so better pain job and some chrome job as well.
Megtron unboxed, the wings give him a majestic and more evil look. Big Decepticon logo on his arm canon, a smart update for the classic character.
Yeah, this pose is campy.
Another angle of the campy pose.
The existence of the wings somehow made the figure hard to balance.
It really does have the G1 spirit in it. Considering the Encore version, which Megatron is still a Walther.
While Bond is still faithful to his Walther, Megatron is now a pseudo sci-fi gun.
The color scheme of the gun makes it fit to be a prop for Ultraman series.
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