Wednesday 18 February 2009

Feast of DVDs

Got eliminated, have to save a bit, although it's rather impossible. The best way I could think of is the head straight to home after work, not go walk walk or shopping. So far, it kind of works.

It works, because I have equipped myself with a large amount of DVDs. I'm trying to finish of Transformers : Masterforce anime series my brother bought a couple of months ago. In the same time I also watching Kamen Rider Kiva series which getting more interesting after episode 18. On top of these, I'm starting on House season 4 which is still addictive as usual. The reduction of his old teams into recurring relatively minor characters makes me cherish every small scene they have with House.

If the series is not enough, I still have 2 Bleach movies haven't touch yet. They're movies, anime movies not the series. But if situation permits then I shall start proceed with the series as well. Just watch till episode 40.

Other than this what else I can watch? Maybe if I finished them all I shall rerun House season 1 and 2...haha~

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