Sunday 9 November 2008

Long Vacation?

What is a long vacation?

Long vacation is a vacation so long and you actually get tired of it and want nothing better than get back to work asap.

When was the last time I get this long vacation? Before I got this current job, which is roughly three years ago.

Job hunt can be a very long war, or just a short campaign. The last one I had, it took me more than a month. After working three years with constant income every month, despite all the frustration, am I ready to let it go and start another campaign?

I am just very sure, given the current world economy status, if I quit and start another job hunt, it may be a pathetically long one. My requirement is simple, boring 9 -5 job will do. Just sit in front of a computer with Internet access for the whole day. I do not want to go to the industry I studied, I do not seek thrill, but the peace of monotonous life.

There is bad blood in the office, although I never get affected, but overhearing the idiot, which happen to sit rather near, is like pouring acid into my ears...

Am I ready for a uber long, long vacation? Or better just stay here, stay low, remain anonymous, just live my life day after day ans serve the purpose of my existence, which I do not know. Maybe the God's mail to me about my mission lost due to some postal error...better this way...hahaha

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