OK, am boring on a gloomy Sunday evening and what can be a better entertainment than making fun of some retarded in the net?
The below conversation is an exchange between a retarded guy and Siowgirl, a fellow blogger. I just copy paste it from her blog without permission lol!
Bold - Retarded guyGrey - SiowgirlItalic - My comment
y u so sexy one? (obviously the idea may originated from her MSN avatar but that is not important, a casual observer will notice, he asked "why" rather than making a remark which suggest he want the girl to know he notice she being sexy and want she to tell more why is is sexy, with the hope that she may make some 'suggestive' remark. from this we can safely say that he wants to do her...only.)
whr got (but her reply is not the best he expected)
got la... (interpreting that she may be a little shy and as usual, retarded like him will think that the more he praise the girl, the happier she will be and she will like him more.)
nop (abrupt end, nice move)
can u gv me a hug? (retarded question to be asked online, poor follow up for the whole sexy thing. why not just ask "can I do you instead"? it is bolder and ballier.)
(some cutesy emoticon) (ha~! he must expect her to ask how to hug online, so that he may suggest to meet up or something.)
haha,y u so cute? (obviously, rather speechless and run out of trick. May think, how come my usual trick on juvenile victim does not work?)
ask my parents
ask god (rather usual style from this girl...although I don't think she is religious)
haha!if u continuse like this,i will love u deeply (thinly veiled "I'm going to get you" so that he can keep on making suggestive remark, but using "haha" to disguised it as a joke if he fail which will obviously be the case)
=.=''''' (again her usual reply)
scare? (meaning, what does she think? Is it working?)
i think u nuts (rather lame reply from Siowgirl, was expecting some uber sarcasm...maybe she think that is too sophisticated for this shrimp brain guy)
i'm trying to tackle u,u say me nut....make me so sad,want cry already la (corny line #1: compliment her beauty/sexy, corny line#2: show you are venerable/sensitive in love life...too corny and outdated even for a dork like me...)
cry for me (yeah this more like it...quasi-evil line)
my heart soft soft one,u know?easy cry (heart soft and easy cry is not so related. Me cry easily even when watching film, but have a heart of stone, or maybe stainless steel. So this is another line of that retarded to show he is 'sensitive' and he is not a playboy whatsoever. Yeah, he's an idiot)
show me ur tears (another good one)
bcoz let other ppl hurt b4 (guy with a sad past, he must think this makes him look pity and will soften the girl...)
u come beside,i let u see (if the two parties is not in the same room, this must be the most idiotic message.)Conclusion: You know those uncles in those local cheap karaoke/pub that always flirt with those middle age waitress with make up thicker than oil painting? This is what this guy will evolve to be. You may curious how I know that these uncles do, well there is one such joint at the back of my house and have witness quite a few drama whenever I pass by it.
This guy up there, if he is a player, than his victims and success case will be some teenage girl with rather low IQ and adult with low IQ that has rather low expectation, easily satisfy with cheap praise or gift or promises. Those that watch too much drama that has totally being brainwashed by it and dreamt to have such so call romantic encounter has in those drama will fall easily in this. Imagine those lala you see in the street, those physically unqualified but still wearing as little as they can and showing the poor public their spare tyre and their very bad quality skin...yeah these are the group that will fall for this trick.
So sadly, this guy think that our friend here is a or at least, think like a juvenile lala. How sad that is.
Well, it is not hard to know what kind of person he is, just read between the lines and interpret using logic and common sense. Trick is, ask yourself, why he ask such question? use such words? make such remark?
Apply it all, and you will find how retarded this guy is....lol~!