Saturday 29 August 2009

品酒 . 酒品

由於不夠睡, 我喝得也不多. 別說醉, 就連酒精的影響也沒甚麼察覺到.
偶爾去喝酒, 不醉, 不受酒精影響也不錯的.
所謂眾皆醉我獨醒, 看的東西, 領悟的, 反而比平時的多.
發現有的人, 喝醉後酒品差得要命. 不能喝還拼命的灌. 明明就爛醉了還硬說不醉.
不管他好不好笑, 都笑的像個白痴.
那就是他們所謂的輕鬆, 快樂麼?
我很少喝醉, 不過就算我醉臥也不會那樣.
到底是人享受酒精的影響, 還是讓酒精影響?
人類的精神力量那麼大, 不過卻是有人喜歡完完全全的向酒精投降. 真他媽的渾蛋加三千!
度然發覺, 會品酒的人應該會有好酒品.
酒品壞的人不會品酒, 因為他們都是在灌酒, 只求一醉.
我說的品酒不是專業式的, 而是能夠尊敬, 欣賞他說喝酒每一口酒.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Video : Iron Man Anime Trailer

Oh~ Iron Man~! Anime~! Cool~!
This will be far more better than the previous animated feature (which I haven't watch yet)...

Don't care if this will be based on a comic story or not, it is just damn cool~!

Video : Marvel Ultimate Alliance

Cut scenes from an old game Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
Isn't it cool if they make it feature length movie?

Sunday 2 August 2009


When you are here, you wonder what is there.
When you get there, you miss here.
When you do not have it, you really want it.
When you got it, you don't know what to do with it.

Is it a human nature? Can it be concluded with mere two words?
Or is it because we the human never really look deep, and think and understand what is the underlying rational, purpose and reason for our certain want, need or lust?

If life that hard to understand? Or is it the human being that is hard to understand?
Life is simple, birth, grow, death.
How to live the life, is complicated.

Most of the time, our action, mission and purpose is not determined by ourselves.
We do not even think about it, somehow, we just follow the current.
People go to school, college, university, we follow suit.
People work and work and try to climb high, we follow suit.
But why do people do that? Survival? No.
People work hard to earn more money, that's mostly the standard answer to why do you work so hard?

But why or what is the money is for?
To make life easier, more comfort.

Why is that?

And this is the moment where the answer will not come as swiftly as before, people will think and think and think...and somehow they realize, just for a brief moment, they do not know what is their purpose of doing all this, and they can only come out with answers that do no remotely answer the question - So we have money to buy this and that, to get the kids to school yada yada yada.

And then, try asking "Why is that?" again.
They will get impatient and retort - Why is this stupid question for?

People then to avoid this answer, citing it to be philosophical and unpractical. But how can we live a life, when we don't even know what we are living for?
It is not something that complicated. Mine is simple.

"I just want to live a life where I can do what I want and in order to make sure I can do what I want, I work hard to earn more money to fund my amusement, my life."

That, for now is my purpose, to live Jacob's life as me, Jacob wants it to be...that of course within the boundary of what I can afford, financially, legally, morally.
How hard is it to know your own purpose? Not really that hard!
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